

22 December 2009



sINce I at primary schOOl , I wOke uP intO my drEAms , i sEE mY wOrld fuLL of hisTOry .... bUt I caN't bEliEvE tHat I'm stiLL can wakE uP..I thOUght mY wOrlD withOUt friEnDs cOUld changE nothinG bUt i'm jUst tHinkinG likE thaT..thEy tOOk mE hErE..friEnd..juSt siX wOrDs tO saY staRts wiTh F.R.I.E.N.D.. and I ask mY tEachEr whAt thE mEaninG oF frienD??mY tEacEer sayS thaT "kawan" it juST a shOrt mEaninG..I waNt tO knOw mOre and mOre ....thEn , I OpEn thE diCtiOnarY iN thE librarY:wHaT iS thE mEaninG oF friEnD?? thE diCtiOnarY saY thaT frienD mEanS "a person that you know and like"
bUt it dOesn't maTTer..fOr mE friEnd mEanS a lOt >>iF i gOing tO exPlain thErE's nO nEEd 4 u aLL bUt I can Explain it jusT want tO teLL YOu tHat frienD mEans lOt>>

++a stOrY : eNtittLe's mY friEnDs ++

mY friEnDs..sOmEtimE i thinKinG oF yOu..sOmetimE nOt bUt i'm stiLL tHinkinG oF yOu thErE's nO othEr's riGht bUt thE pErsOn uPon 18 abOve think bOut bOyfriEnD aNd girlfriEnD bUt nOt aLL..
iN othEr wOrld..what wOOrld?? what i'm taLkinG bOut?? huhh.. I'm gOinG baCk tO my stOry ..
laSt cOuplE oF yEaR I knOwn thrEE friEnDs namEd A..B AND C.. FIRST I want tO tELL yOu tHat A iS a hardworking persOn..shE's clEvEr bUt shE alOne...WHy?? cOz shE dOesn't havE friEnD that cAn sharEd hEr tEarinG's alsO cOz shE alwaYs likE waNt tO crY..NEXT B and C iS alwaYs tOgEthEr whatEva haPpend bUt stiLL cannOt unDerstanD eaCh othEr..WHO YOU THINK THAT ARE IN PROBLEM?? fOr a ..shE nEEd somEOnE tO sharE hEr historY anD fOr A and B thEy gOing tO taLk that friEnDs nOt mEan anYthinG..AFTER THAT.. tiLL onEdaY..D waS cominG in front oF thEm betwEEn A and B,C...what happEn..?? D iS a friEnDly pErsOn..shE dOnt want anY mOre cOnfuseS abOut friEnd .. shE havE an idEa..shE's gOing tO taLk to onE bY onE..and yOu knOw that shE sharE prOblEm..tEarinG,..anD sOmetimE shE enjOy it daMN much..shE tELL aLL oF thEm that "may i be your besfriend you promise not to tell anyone about it??or if i can't can i be your your friend till i die" she going to tEll it tO aLL of thEm onE bY onE..wHat haPPen?? aLL oF thEm haPPy anD thEy aCCept hEr..yOu knOw what's happend next?? stiLL tOday..thEy stiLL tOgether because they accept D eventHough thEmsElves nOt knOw that thEy havE a same funny..because of what??....
because if D walk with A then B and C could bE thEre bEcausE thEy want staY with D..
dO you think that D iS clEver??..
bUt yOu muSt knOw D dO that cOz shE lOvE hEr friEnDs whatEva hOw manY oF them.. oR hoW manY are thEm..shE stiLL havE speciaL timE with thEm..
diD yOu want tO knOw mOrE abOut D??..that HAVE sO manY histOry..
ask mE..cOz d iS mE..that mY luCkY histOrY....

..........pEn OFf.....

I LOvE yOU..:)wink..WInK!!!

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♫bachok♪, ♫kelantan♪, Malaysia