

24 December 2009

+da super junior of magnificent 13+

"ThE MaGS 13 UnTiL iT bE 11 aGaIN"

bE aS a grOup oN 10tH sEptEmbEr 2OO8 (1OO9O8) at baLai pUtErI iN Our grEEn caMpUs oF sciPP , kElantaN , at a bEGinninG , wE'rE onlY 11 anD naMed Our grOup aS cHiQuititaS / maGs 11 bUt oN noVemBEr , EvErYthinG iS cHanGe !wE'rE bEcOmE 13 mEmbErs anD chaNGe our GrouP's namE aS maGniFiciEnt 13 ! maGniFiciEnt 13 is alwaYs 13 ! sTartEd frOm thaT i'm bEcomE my sElf..

jaA 's saYs :

i'm fEEl rEalY gLaD tO knOw whO wE arE..wE arE nOt stranGers evEn mOre EviL.. bEcausE wE maGnificEnt tHirtEEn CaN GroW anD sPreaD Out thE whOlE aRe wE..wE aLwaYs toGether...... toGether..... and ..fOrEvEr ..wE caN bE mOre thaN anYOne wOuld evEr'S riGht..??
i'm nOt tO bE a sELFiSh bUt thiS iS frOm mE..aS a mEmberS oF yOu aLL..yOu teLL mE bUt wE thinK wE arE diffErEnt..wE rUn tO maKE tHE trutH wE arE..nO onE coulD sEE wE arE..bUt thE worlD sEE uS..

"we have go through the lava..the deep sea..the obovios end..the outer space.."
"we learn more about friends..not even more a friend but a family ??"

"i'm really until know that we have different thinking since two of us were missing and let us be 11 again..
but we still mags 13 right ??"

"long time we share our problem..our attitude and sometime we could be the actors...!!"

(what beautiful we are...??)
but we much form a new one and no one can believe who we are sometime..

i'm happy with you guys even sometime i was my heart had broken..
but i'm still keep it up..bcoz you all alwez be there for me and the others right??

"we share our deligted and sorrow and we could not imagine it all when we together..a lot of inspire come..but we still together.."

+++i love you all so much !!+++

a great friends..a great sisters,...and agreat twins we are...!!

if someday a time come and separate us..please remember this and keep in you memory..
i'm sorry if i'm been said that i'm tired with you all..
but i'm still mags thirteen 4eva and 4 eva..
coz i learn more about the world with you all..

still rememba me as ..jaa


thiS iS oUr mEmbErs.
  • a'a
  • imana
  • lynn
  • dayah
  • amy
  • syaza
  • syikin
  • sha
  • tasya
  • and me..jaa..

++i'm nOt GoNNa bE thE fiRsT cOz U aRE thE fiRsT anD laST...++


I LOvE yOU..:)wink..WInK!!!

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♫bachok♪, ♫kelantan♪, Malaysia